+35386 856 7603
Mespil Swimming Pool, Sussex Road, Dublin 4

parent & baby lessons

Baby Swimming

Baby 4-12 months
This is an introduction to baby and parent to the water. In a fun setting baby will learn to feel relaxed and comfortable and interact with other babies. Songs and nursery rhymes will add to the nice warm atmosphere. Two courses at this level would be advisable depending on age before graduating in to the Level 2 babies class.

Toddler 12 - 18 months
Toddlers are introduced to water safety skills, breathing techniques and submergence with adult/teacher assistance in a fun environment.

Toddler 18 - 24 months
Building on their previous experience, the emphasis will be on using leg and arm movements and rotation in the water.


toddler swimming

Toddler 24 - 36 months
This class will involve all of the above but with the emphasis on the toddler becoming more independant and streamlined in the water.

Teach your toddler
This is for 3 - 4 year olds who may or may not have had experience in the water. This is a more formal lesson and we do not use songs or rhymes, although there is still a strong fun theme. The teacher is in the water and gives instruction to the parent and child. The parent helps the child to achieve the exercise. The idea is to have this class as a precursor to formal lessons when the adult will not be in the water and the child will be able to take instruction from the teacherand the transition should not be traumatic.


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